Time-restricted tickets
All information about our frequent traveler tickets
Frequent travellers don’t just want to arrive quickly – they want to know the cheapest way to get around.. So here's some introductory information before we present our special time-restricted tickets in detail.
Your subscription – Monthly tickets or 9 o’clock monthly tickets must be ordered from the appropriate transport companies. Contact your transport company or click here for the form. Simply fill it out and send it to a transport company of your choice.
For your subscription to begin on the first day of the month, the transport company needs to receive your application before the 10th of the previous month. The ticket is issued in 12 monthly sections and is extended automatically for another year if not cancelled with one month's notice before the end of the subscription.
Here Here you can order your subscription online.
Ihr Abo können Sie zum Ersten eines Monats beginnen. Dafür muss der Antrag bis zum 10. des Vormonats bei Ihrem Verkehrsunternehmen eingegangen sein. Sie bekommen 12 Monatsabschnitte, so dass Sie ein Jahr lang immer gut fahren. Das Abo verlängert sich automatisch um ein Jahr, wenn Sie es nicht fristgerecht kündigen.
An Wochenenden und Feiertagen in Rheinland-Pfalz gilt die Monatskarte und die 9-Uhr Monatskarte im Abo im gesamten Verbundgebiet, unabhängig von der gekauften Fahrtverbindung.
Ticket range
Frequent traveler subscriptions
Price table for frequent traveler tickets
IC surcharges
InterCity trains (IC) can only be used in the Rhine-Moselle transport association by VRM time restrictet ticket holders upon payment of an IC surcharge or with tickets of the DB tariff.
IC Upgrade | |
Weekly ticket | € 9.90 |
Monthly ticket and 9 o' clock monthly ticket | € 31.60 |
Monthly ticket by subscription and 9 o'clock ticket by subscription | € 26.30 |